Helpers among the community of Pittsburgh area UUs. Link to the main Sunnyhill site.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It is time to think together about the shape of professional, settled ministry for Sunnyhill. We’d like to know everyone’s preference through a series of Forums.

First, here are some important things for you to know. Your Board, acting under the authority delegated to them, has decided that Sunnyhill will have a full-time interim minister for two years, keeping open the possibility for a third year of interim ministry until we finalize the 2010 budget, which means (if all goes well) we would expect to have a new minister in August, 2011. We believe that you have agreed with this decision because you voted overwhelmingly to approve the 2009 Budget, including funding for a full-time interim minister and without money for a Search in it.

Even though we will not begin a ministerial search until 2010, both because finances are tight and because we need more time to do the preparatory work, we believe that now is the time to begin our discernment of the timing and shape of our ministry going forward.

You are encouraged to be a part of one of these Open Forums in which we will ask you for your preference for the shape of professional, settled ministry at Sunnyhill. We do not expect these Forums to last more than one hour. Please exercise your responsibility to your congregation by participating in ONE of these Forums.

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