Helpers among the community of Pittsburgh area UUs. Link to the main Sunnyhill site.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Harrisburg UU Church on Dec 6

Please join with members of PUSH and Health Care for All PA affiliates for this important meeting. Health care reform is near the top of the national agenda but it's up to us to see that single payer - the only cost-effective, efficient, comprehensive health program that serves everyone - is passed into law.

Health care for all PA. invites you to

“Call to Action" Health Care for All Convention
Workshops : "Media & Communications," "Networking, Organizing & Mobilizing for Reform," "The Economic Genius of Single Payer," "Winning Pa in 2009” “ Effective Citizen Lobbying at All Levels of Government."

Saturday December 6, 2008

10 am – 3 pm

Unitarian church of Harrisburg

1280 Clover Lane Harrisburg, Pa. 17113 717-564-4761
Norman Solomon
nationally-known media critic and a leader in the movement for a Single Payer Solution
in California, SB 840 & the u.s., HR 676

While the conference focus revolves around SB300/HB1660, PA single payer bills, and Congressional , "bridge" legislation, HR 506 & S.1069 the fastest track to HR 676, organizing and lobbying activities must center on all levels of government: municipal, county, state, national, using leverage points wherever they appear.

Info./Register: or

Carpooling from W. PA:


Norman Solomon, nationally-known media critic and Single Payer Solution leader on California's SB 840 and Congress' HR 676, is the founder and executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy, a national consortium of policy researchers and analysts. His weekly column on media and politics, Media Beat, has been in national syndication since 1992. A longtime associate of FAIR, he has written op-ed articles on media issues for many papers, including the Boston Globe, Washington Post, Newsday, New York Times, Miami Herald, Los Angeles Times, USA Today and Baltimore Sun. His articles have also appeared in the International Herald Tribune, Canada's Globe and Mail, the Toronto Star and the Jordan Times. Norman Solomon's book War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death was published in 2005. His latest book is Made Love, Got War: Close Encounters with America's Warfare State.
PUSH PA. United for SinglePayer HealthCare
Health Care for All PA
Everybody In, Nobody Out

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