Helpers among the community of Pittsburgh area UUs. Link to the main Sunnyhill site.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Art flashback

Nonprofits were to pay the city $5-million for budget year 2005. It has yet to arrive. Meanwhile, the Salvation Army wants to buy a city park in Brighton Heights for $100. Humm. The city has a policy that it does NOT sell off its property to tax cheats. That's a good policy.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

H&H needs volunteers and more

Harvest & Holiday utilizes the most volunteers of any of our fund raisers. To make it possible we need 104 volunteers. To date we have filled 32 of those slots. We have 11 days to fill 72 more. Please add your name to the sign up sheet in the dinning room or call Ann Callen at 412-851-9057.. The hours are short and it is a great way to get to know more of our community. We would love to see men sign up too! There will be a training for all volunteers working at the sale on October 2nd at 12:30 in the main sanctuary. Thanks for your help.

Workshop on Saturday, Nov 5 at First Church is with Rev. Forrest Church and Rev. Mark Belletini on the theme "Unitarian Universalist Values: A Vision for Our World" and it is bound to be a moving and educational seminar. Please refer to the dining
room for more details.

Fast for Darfur: On October 6th, concerned people around the world will be giving up a meal or luxury item and donating the money to humanitarian relief for civilians in Darfur, Sudan. The Faith in Action Committee will be enlisting fasters and taking donations on Sunday , October 2nd after both services. Donations will be sent as congregational contribution to the UUSC Darfur Relief Fund. Please join us.

"Yeast Bread 101" will be set for Oct. 2nd after the service in the Sunnyhill kitchen. If anyone would like to join this service auction class, contact Mary Beth Thakar.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Sunnyhill turns the big 4-0

Saturday, Sept 24, 2005, we're celebrating Sunnyhill's 40th Anniversary! The fun begins at 5:00 with a sing along with the choir. The food will be served at 6:30 (be sure to bring a dish that serves 8-10 people along with your own beverage). And at 8:00 there will be Informal Sunnyhill Sharing (babysitting available).

40th flashback.
Be sure to attend this Sunday's service as it will be presented by Sunnyhill founding members and organized by Lynn. Oh yeah, and don't forget to bring COOKIES for the cookie reception after each service!

This Sunday, Sept 25th during LifeCraft, Martha Sweeny and Tippi Comden have kindly offered to share some of Sunnyhill’s history with our children and youth. Everyone will meet at 10:30 and break into two groups: Grades 1-4 and grades 5-12. As part of the 40th anniversary festivities we hope the youth and children will enjoy listening to some stories about the church. For children under 5th grade, please sign up on LifeCraft sheet as usual and the babysitters will be sure to get the children to the right places at 10:30. There will be child care for younger children as usual.

Let It Be a Dance: Living Life Fully

Ric & April Masten to lead a workshop in Western Mass.

October 28-30, 2005

at Rowe Conference Center in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts

A “people’s poet,” “a priest and a preacher,” “poet and philosopher,” Ric Masten is recognized today as the creator of a unique genre of inspirational and spiritual poems meant to be spoken rather than read. Ric’s unusual candor, wit, insight, stand-up manner, and honesty address the magic that is in every moment in life – if we would but notice. Ric will offer us a series of presentations that will serve as ink blots to examine our own lives. We’ll explore why families matter and what keeps them going — full circle from grandparents to parents to spouses to children to grandchildren. We’ll explore growing up and growing old, youth and aging.
Ric and his daughter April will both share Ric’s poems. April will share some of her own, as well as dances that are easy and fun and get our energies circulating. Ric’s life shows that sharing creates intimacy and love, so we’ll all share some of our own lives. Bring your journals and we’ll write together. Robert Frost said, “When you want to do a ‘think,’ write about it.”

Saturday night will be a “live the metaphor” evening. We will Let It Be a Dance as April teaches dancing as a way to reconnect the mind and the body. We’ll join in a 19th Century reel, which is easy to learn, fun to do, and a great example of how dances mirror and reinforce society. Midwesterners worked together to survive, so after the barnraising, they’d eat and then dance. The dancing made the weariness from the day’s work vanish.

Sunday morning we will focus on philosophy and religion: matters of life and death, of hope and despair, of bringing our lives and our loves to fruition. Ric’s own life changed dramatically seven years ago when he was told he had terminal prostate cancer. He often expresses thanks for his cancer struggles. He’s been offered a lifetime – whatever the length – of enhanced hourly awareness. We invite you to share a weekend with him and his remarkable daughter April.

Following in the great tradition from Homer to Pete Seeger and Joan Baez, Ric Masten has been making his living by singing and reciting his own words. He does not look away; he found hatred in himself at a peace rally and spoke it. Now his grandson is a medic in Iraq. Ric is also an artist, whose paintings and one-line drawings filled our last catalogue. April Masten is an assistant professor of American History at SUNY Stony Brook, specializing in the History of Dance. Aside from being the “long suffering daughter” of a real artist and poet, Dr. Masten has developed research interests that include dances that were created along the borders between African, Irish, and Native North American cultures, including step and tap, ballads and blues, drums, fiddles, and bones. Her course “Dancing American History From Slavery to Hip Hop” enables her students to experience the steps people danced at particular times and places, enhancing their understanding of historical texts, events, and transformations.

Rowe Conference Center, Kings Highway Road, Rowe, MA 01367

If you know of anyone who may enjoy this workshop, please pass along this flyer.

New bylaws arrived as an email attachment

The bylaws arrived. They look much better. Some questions remain. What about your thoughts?

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Eight at Eight Sign-Up is now

Early September is the time to sign up for the Sunnyhill Eight at Eight round-robin dinners scheduled for October 1, 2005, November 5, December 10, and January 7, 2006.

Each person gets to host once providing the main course and beverages. Dishes, utensils, chairs and tables are optional. Guests provide one dish, coordinated with the host, usually and appetiser, vegetable, salad, or dessert. These are AWESOME ways to have good food, great drinks, and fun conversation with the finest folks in the area. Sign up by contacting Dennis S at 724 941-3952 or e-mail. The deadline is September 23.

While you are comteplating the glories of this Fall’s dinners how about talking it up with new members or people you would like to see join us. I cannot offer a bounty for each new diner but will remember you in my will.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Interesting visits and travels -- with water communion.

A Sunnyhill tradition is the water communion. People get to talk a bit about where they've been in the past year. In that spirit -- here is a quiz:

This is not a UU church, but it is a place of worship. Grant and I climbed the steps inside to reach the top. Can you guess what they call this building? Inside, one can leave offerings at various floors and near various statues and windows.  Posted by Picasa
Sunday, September 11, 9:00 am and 11:30 am is the Gathering of the Waters, presented by Rev. Lynn Brodie. In addition to the annual service (bring water), there’s a 9 am Baby Dedication. Each service is followed by an Ice Cream Social.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Pastoral message and solicitatin for funds to help victims of the hurricane.

Rev. Harlan Limpert, Director for District Services for the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) announced that there is a fund and message concerning the victims of the hurricane.