Helpers among the community of Pittsburgh area UUs. Link to the main Sunnyhill site.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

DownUnder Coffeehouse, Allegheny UU Church

The DownUnder Coffee House will feature Joey Murphy on November 20 for an evening of alt-country from one of Pittsburgh's rising singer-songwriters. Come hear what the noise is about.

The Down Under Coffeehouse is open from 7:30 to 9:30 on the third Saturday of every month in the basement of the Allegheny Unitarian Universalist Church, 416 West North Ave, North Side. Baked goods, desserts and beverages will be for sale during the concert. Suggested donation is $5.00. Call 412-322-4261 for more details.

Source: Steve Hirtle

Friday, October 22, 2004

More Music, pointer from Louise M

The Bach Choir presents international choral pieces that celebrate Pittsburgh's cultural diversity at 8 pm on Saturday, October 23, 2004 at the Upper Saint Clair High School. Featuring the Coro Latino Americano and African drummers. An interesting concert! Hope you can come. Tickets $20; $14 Senior discount; $7 Child/Student.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

If You Can't Find the Hole

Listen with a MP3 (5-megs)
Song: Be Careful Punching Ballots If You Can't Find the Hole

Amy Carol Webb, visiting Pittsburgh
If You Can't Find the Hole
Be careful punching ballots
If you can't find the hole
Or you could see your civil rights
Jerked out of your control
You could find your chad left dangling
In some partisan unknown
So be careful punching ballots
If you can't find the hole

Be at Sunnyhill on Thursday, October 21, 2004, at 7 pm. Voter education and concert that features Amy Carol Webb from Florida.


First Church's EDUCATION--SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2004

This is NOT at Sunnyhill, but at another UU church in Pittsburgh, First Unitarian in Shadyside.

The Sierra Club is wrapping up their ambitious Environmental Voter Education Campaign on November 2nd and they need your help. For the past two months volunteers have been educating tens of thousands of infrequent environmental voters about both candidates' environmental records here in Pittsburgh. Now it is time to get these infrequent voters to the polls! In order to do that, the Sierra Club will need 150 volunteers to help Get Out the Vote from October 30 to November 2.

This Sunday, October 17, 2004, Conservation Organizer Annie Leary will be speaking briefly about the Sierra Club's Campaign and volunteer opportunities coming up at the end of the month. Annie will be in the Schweitzer Room immediately after the 9:30 and 11:00 services this week to fill you in on the Sierra Clubís Voter Education Campaign, answer your questions and help you get personally involved in the Campaign if you would like to lend a hand to this important work.
This is a critical election year to get involved and make a difference for the environment! (The Sierra Club campaign is not advocating for the election or defeat of either candidate). If you would like to read up on the Campaign, visit its web site at .

Council of Chairs, Sunday Oct 24 gathering

You are cordially invited to the annual Counsel of Chairs meeting. Bring your thoughts, where you are, where you want to be, and rough idea of funds needed on October 24, 2004, 9 to 11 A.M. (No guarantee on the latter but we still can dream!) Plan on a photo op after the session which will be included in the membership portfolio. Smile pretty. And to further entice you, as if getting up early on Sunday wasn't enough, I will be providing some goodies so skip your Wheaties.

(KZ as original source)

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Harvest and Holiday actions

Harvest and Holiday Logo

The event is gearing up. Your help is needed. Sales are looming too, so save your nickles and dimes.

Friday, October 08, 2004

SHIM food drive

Annual Thanksgiving food drive for the South Hills Interfaith Ministries (SHIM) is set for the first two Sundays in November at both services. Early collection is necessary so that the food can be distributed to the families before Thanksgiving. Items such as stuffing mixes, gravies, yams and canned pie filling will be in high demand, although any non-perishable food item or money would also be appreciated.

Dates: NOVEMBER 7 and 14.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

LifeCraft on November 7 has an Emerson discussion on gene doping

I'm honored and excited to lead the November 7, 2004, discussion with the Emerson Group about gene doping in sports. To prepare, read the article with a click on the title above to see the 270 k PDF.

Emerson Group

Monday, October 04, 2004

Science and Spirituality, second meeting for new season

Meet during LifeCraft on Sunday, October 17, 2004.

The topic listed in the Drummer is not correct. It was taken from one of our early lists before the group had voted on the subjects that they wanted. Our topic will be presented by Bob Trivus, it
is: Tribal Identity, Genetic History and Biology of Human Relations.

This topic traces the scientific basis for ethnocentric group actions of people around the world. Bob is currently working on the material that will be transmitted to you later this week as downloads. We will print some of the material and store it in the Science and Spirituality Mailbox for people who do not have printers, or are not connected to internet. Bob always presents
a very interesting topic about human interactions, psychological/medical information, or a scientific topic about people.

Agenda for 2004/2005 Sessions

1. The Shapes Of Space, And The Extraordinary Death Of Ordinary Stars (Murray) This topic was discussed last month.

2. Tribal Identity Genetic History and Biology of Human Relations, this topic traces the scientific basis for ethnocentric group actions of people around the world. (Bob Trivus) This is the current topic.

3. How Deep Seated Psychological Needs Caused People To Turn To Supernatural And Religious Beliefs; Do Scientific Tools Offer Any Comfort? (Randy)

4. When Methane Was The Predominate Climate: The Start Of Life On Earth, Its Incubation, Plants -- Ultimately The Formation Of Oxygen, Etc. (Murray)

5. Are Social Behavior Patterns Programmed Into Genetic Makeup? (George Bentrum)

6. Fly By: We will first view a NASA tape involving space probes. The tape viewing will be scheduled for a convenient evening prior to the LifeCraft meeting. Then we will have an open discussion during LifeCraft about what we will have seen. (Mike Laughton suggested this topic)

7. Einstein and Beyond, 100 years Since Relativity (Murray)

8. Black Holes (Gerry Walsh)